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Lawsuit alleges hospital staff failed to treat complications

Patients who undergo medical or surgical procedures are often warned of the potential risks and complications associated thereto. While complications can certainly arise during surgical procedures, it's often those that occur post-surgery that present the most danger.

A woman and her husband recently filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against a hospital and members of its medical staff. In the lawsuit, the woman alleges that the hospital and medical staff were negligent in failing to provide proper post-operative follow-up care. As a result of the defendants' negligence, the woman asserts she suffered extreme physical and mental pain and debilitating injuries.

The woman underwent a hysterectomy in Aug. of 2010. She was released from the hospital the day after the procedure, only the return three days later complaining of intense abdominal pain. An x-ray was taken and a follow-up appointment made at which time the woman was to been examined by a urologist and undergo an ultrasound. A nurse, however, incorrectly wrote that the woman already had the ultrasound and the follow-up appointment was cancelled. Two days later, the woman again returned to the hospital in severe pain. At this time, doctors diagnosed her as having a bowel obstruction and a serious abdominal infection.

The woman recently filed a medical malpractice lawsuit in which she accuses defendants of failing to diagnose and treat post-operative complications in a timely manner. Additionally, the defendants are accused of failing to take prompt medical action to both diagnose and treat the woman's medical conditions. The woman is seeking to recover compensation related to the painful injuries she suffered which have resulted in a permanent disability as well as medical expenses.

Source: The Louisiana Record, "Patient who underwent surgery sues hospital over complications," Kyle Barnett, May 15, 2013

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