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Brain Injury

Pennsylvania Motorcycle Helmet Laws

Before you ride a motorcycle in Pennsylvania, it is important to learn all of the state laws that apply to motorcycle riders and their passengers. For example, Pennsylvania has clear rules for when a motorcyclist must wear a helmet. Obeying...
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How To Tell If A Head Injury Is Mild Or Severe After A Car Accident

Following a car accident, a head injury is one of the more severe types of injuries you could suffer. Injuries to the head can damage many systems of the body, as the brain is the control center of the body....
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Can You Get Workers’ Comp for a Seizure?

Seeking workers’ compensation benefits in Pennsylvania for a seizure is a more complicated process than other types of injuries, such as broken bones or soft-tissue injuries. Whether or not a seizure at work will be covered by workers’ comp depends...
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Football and its connection to brain injuries

While the majority of the media's focus has been on brain injuries for professional football players, a growing body of research indicates that the majority of brain injuries related to football occur in middle and high school. A recent study...
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Pain and its connection to brain injuries

A new study from the University of Vienna has found that pain is far more complicated than initially believed. Every day people are plagued by amorphous pain that doctors cannot explain or treat (aside from prescribing pain pills which have...
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Watch for these symptoms after a car accident

If you've been in a car accident in which you hit your head, but seem to be more or less fine, you may hope that whatever bruise or bump that appears will be the end of the story. However, brain...
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Skull surgery can save lives, but at what cost?

After a traumatic brain injury, the brain often swells within the skull, which can cause further damage if the swelling is not reduced. There are two ways that physicians can reduce the swelling in such a patient: with drugs, or...
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Insurers look to exclude sports-related concussions

Athletes considering suing over a brain injury sustained in a contact sport may want to do so sooner rather than later. That's because insurers, spooked by the increase in litigation over sports-related head injuries, may be moving to make exclusions...
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Does your motorcycle helmet meet safety standards?

While not all state laws require motorcyclists to wear a helmet, doing so can provide riders an essential layer of protection in the event of a crash. Not all helmets provide adequate protection, however. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)...
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Brain metabolism a predictor of capacity to recover

Historically, it has been difficult for even doctors to predict to what degree patients who had suffered severe head trauma would be able to recover consciousness. Now, however, researchers have determined that the rate at which an injured person's brain...
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Domestic abuse can cause traumatic brain injury

Being in combat, football collisions and motorcycle crashes are by now well-known causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Because of this, often the face of traumatic brain injuries is one of a man. But researchers are giving more attention to...
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How long do I have to file a lawsuit for a brain injury?

The answer depends in part on when the accident happened and at what point you may have had reason to believe that you had been injured. In if you are injured in an accident, you have two years from the...
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