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Back injury sends public works employee to hospital

Pennsylvania is a beautiful state. This beauty is in part attributed to public works employees who keep communities throughout the state neat and tidy. As is the case in any occupation it is possible that the individuals performing these tasks may be hurt. This was the case with a man employed by a Pittsburgh area community as a road worker.

The man, who is the only public works worker for the community, was recently hurt as he was clearing a tree that had fallen in a park. He suffered a back injury. The injury appears to have occurred when the man twisted his back in a particular way. As a result of the injury, the man was taken to an area hospital for treatment.

Back injuries suffered in the course of performing one's job are one of the most common reasons that individuals seek workers' compensation benefits. Workers dealing with this type of injury are often in dire need of those benefits because it can take a long time for the injury to heal. During this process a worker may be in a lot of pain.

Fortunately the injury the worker suffered was not considered to be too serious. After receiving treatment, the worker was allowed to leave the hospital. He was even able to return to work the following day though it is not clear what tasks he was responsible for. It is possible that he will not be able to do heavy labor for a while as his back heals.

This would not be good news for the township, as he is the community's only public works employee. However, most would likely agree the health of an individual is more important than a few branches being cleaned up.

Source: Trib Live, "Springdale Township’s lone road worker injured on the job," Mary Ann Thomas, May 29, 2013

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