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April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Car accidents occur all too frequently in the Pittsburgh area. In the worst cases they result in serious injuries, sometimes even death. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation cares about the lives of residents of the state. Accordingly, in observance of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, it is reminding drivers of behaviors that should and should not be undertaken while driving to help reduce the number of fatal accidents. The topic is a good one as last year a total of 57 individuals died in the state of Pennsylvania as a result of distracted driving.

There are of course many actions that when done while driving constitute a distraction. The ones that most often make news involve the use of cellphones or other small, handheld electronic devices. Of course the devices themselves are not the issue. Rather the problem is what drivers do with them-either holding them to talk on them, or texting-while operating a vehicle.

While there is a lot of focus on cellphones these days, distracted driving was an issue on the roads of Pennsylvania long before cellphone use became so widespread. Some drivers take their eyes off the road while they deal with others in the vehicle, such as children. Pets can also prove to be distracting while a car travels down a road.

Of course interacting with other people either in person or over an electronic device is not the only way a driver may be distracted. Drivers applying makeup, fixing their hair, or even shaving their face can cause car accidents as well. So too can eating or drinking while driving.

The bottom line is that any activity that pulls one's eyes or hands off the steering wheel can increase the chance of a motor vehicle accident occurring. Most would agree that waiting until the vehicle is stopped to do an activity is good for all who are on Pennsylvania roads.

Source: Sacramento Bee, "PennDOT Urges Motorists to Avoid Distractions, Focus on Driving," April 10, 2013

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