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Distracted driving factor in 10 percent of fatal crashes

As Americans we tend to lead busy lives and have a lot of different events and activities competing for our attention. It's important, however, to keep distractions to a minimum while driving. Failure to do so can result in being involved in an accident.

During 2010, roughly 10 percent of all fatal car accidents involved a driver who was distracted. This alarming statistic was just released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and proves that drivers who are distracted pose a great danger to themselves and others on the road.

Cell phone use continues to be a major factor contributing to distracted driving. Of commercial truck drivers involved in fatal accidents, nine percent of fatal crashes involved a truck driver who was talking on or distracted by a cell phone.

Age also appears to be a factor in the likelihood that an individual will engage in distracting behavior while driving. According to NHTSA statistics, drivers age 20 and younger are the most likely to be involved in a fatal motor vehicle accident caused by distracted driving. Of those who admit to being distracted, 19 percent were talking or texting on a cell phone.

These recent statistics further prove the dangers associated with distracted driving. Talking or texting on a cell phone, eating or talking to passengers are all activities that require concentration and therefore take a driver's attention away from the important task at hand.

Source: Trucking Info, "NHTSA: Nearly 10 percent of Fatal Crashes Involved Distracted Driving," Sept. 25, 2012

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