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Settlement of $12 million awarded in birth injury lawsuit

For any parent, the birth of their child is an exciting and often anxious experience. While drugs used during labor are greatly beneficial to aid in the comfort and ease of delivery, when not administered correctly, they can cause irreversible damage and birth defects. Such was the case with a recent settlement where a hospital agreed to pay $12 million dollars to settle a medical malpractice and hospital negligence lawsuit.

The lawsuit, brought by the family of a now nine-year-old girl, alleged that the obstetrician and nurses violated hospital policy when administering the drug Pitocin during the girl's birth. As a result, the girl suffered brain damage and was born with cerebral palsy.

Prior to delivery, fetal monitoring showed that the baby's vitals were normal and she was healthy. During labor, the mother was given Pitocin to help speed the labor process. While Pitocin is commonly used during labor, administration of the drug should have ceased prior to delivery of the baby. Instead, hospital nurses increased the dose causing the baby to suffer irreversible brain damage.

As a result of the negligent actions the hospital and staff, the girl will never be able to walk. She cannot sit up or talk and requires 24-hour care to attend to her every basic need. While no amount of money can repair the damage that was done, the girl's mother is happy with the settlement amount which will cover medical expenses for her lifetime.

Families who have been impacted by the negligent actions of a doctor or nurse should seek the help of an experienced medical malpractice professional. Compensation awarded for a medical malpractice claim can help cover medical costs and ease the financial burden families would otherwise face.

Source: NBC 5, "Hospital Settles $12 Million Negligence Lawsuit," Jeff Goldblatt and Lindsay Smith, Jun. 30, 2012

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