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Aerosol sunscreen causes man to catch fire

It is widely known that certain of the sun's rays can be bad for one's skin, potentially resulting in skin cancer. In an effort to avoid that fate, many people throughout the Pittsburgh area regularly apply sunscreen. Currently, sunscreen is available in multiple forms including lotion, stick and aerosol spray.

One man recently learned that there are risks associated with using one manufacture's sunscreen in the aerosol form. It appears that dangerous products can take the form of many different types of products, even those designed to be protective, when there are inadequate safety warnings on the product.

The man reportedly received second-degree burns after standing next to a grill to soon after applying Banana Boat sun block. The areas which he had covered in the sunscreen, including his back, ear and chest, were the only parts of his body that were burned. Though the packaging indicated the product should not be applied next to heat or flame, it said nothing about its flammability once applied.

Fortunately, the man in this case does not appear to have sustained any long-term damage. He indicated that he is not planning on filing a lawsuit in the matter but does want to make sure people know about the incident so that the same thing does not happen to them.

For its part, Banana Boat indicated that it has launched an investigation into the incident. It claims to have not received any reports of similar mishaps.

It is fair to say that most would not think that the use of a product designed to prevent a type of burn would actually be the cause of an injury due to another type of burn. For that reason, we can all hope that the matter is promptly addressed and appropriate steps are taken to ensure the protection of the skin of the users of the product.

Source: Good Morning America, "Massachusetts Man Catches Fire After Applying Sunscreen," Josh Haskell, June 5, 2012

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