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Two injured as dump truck rolls towards FedEx truck

Men and women who drive large commercial vehicles as part of their job duties must undergo special training and obtain a proper driver's license. These added requirements help ensure that truck drivers have the training and experience needed to safety manuever a large commercial vehicle.

Driving a large truck is challenging in a lot of respects. Not only are certain driving manuevers, such as turning and backing up, often more difficult, but it's also more difficult to stop and control a large truck when faced with an emergency.

The driver of a FedEx truck was recently injured while attempting to evade a collision with a dump truck. The accident occurred along a Ohio highway as the 29-year-old FedEx driver was traveling along and encountered the out-of-control vehicle.

According to the police report, for unknown reasons, the 39-year-old dump truck driver veered off of the right side of the highway. The vehicle then became unsteady and began to roll when the dump truck driver attempted to correct his driving error.

The 29-year-old FedEx driver saw the dump truck and had almost slowed to a complete stop when the dump truck came barreling towards his vehicle. A 30-year-old passenger in the FedEx truck was able to escape the vehicle without harm. The 29-year-old driver, however, was not able to jump to safety in time and suffered multiple injuries in the accident. The 39-year-old dump truck driver also suffered multiple severe injuries in the crash and was rushed to the hospital.

This trucking accident appears to have been caused by driver error. In this case, the dump truck was hauling a load totalling 67,000 pounds. It's no surprise, therefore, that the dump truck became unsteady and rolled as the driver attempted to correct his mistake.

Source: The News Messenger, "FedEx, dump trucks collide on Ohio 19," Catharine Hadley, Sep. 11, 2013

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