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Trucking accidents: truck driver and company often negligent

When a semi truck is involved in a motor vehicle accident, the actions of both the driver and trucking company are typically investigated. Due to their considerable size and weight, accidents involving commercial vehicles often result on those drivers and passengers involved sustaining serious injuries. For these reasons, the trucking industry is highly regulated and most trucking companies are careful to hire experienced and skilled drivers.

A woman recently filed a lawsuit against a truck driver and his employer related to a truck accident in which she sustained painful and debilitating injuries. According to the lawsuit, the woman was traveling along a highway when she was rear-ended by a large tractor-trailer truck.

The woman contends the truck driver was following too closely and therefore failed to both apply his brakes in a timely manner as well as control his vehicle. In addition to the charges made against the truck driver, the woman also accuses the driver's employer of failing to both adequately train and screen the trucker. The trucking company is also deemed negligent in failing to provide for a safe driver who was able to follow federal trucking regulations.

As a result of the accident, the woman claims to have suffered both physical and mental injuries. She is suing to recover compensation related to bodily injuries as well as mental pain and suffering and medical expenses.

Ohio residents who have been in an accident involving a commercial truck may choose to pursue legal action. In many cases, the physical and financial costs associated with trucking accidents are significant and overwhelming. Monies recovered via a personal injury lawsuit can help ease financial burdens as well as provide a sense of justice.

Source: The Southeast Texas Record, "Trucking company sued following rear-end collision on Hwy 75 in McKinney," Michelle Keahey, July 3, 2013

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