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Malpractice lawsuit filed after object left in woman’s body

Individuals who undergo surgical procedures often have some concerns and reservations. Every medical procedure, even those deemed as being routine, carries with it certain risks. A patient could have a bad reaction to the anesthesia while unconscious or an infection could set in. Prior to any surgical procedure, patients are provided with information related to potential risks and complications that could result. Mistakes made by doctors or nurses are not, however, included in this information.

Each year, thousands of Americans are adversely impacted by medical errors. These errors range from the wrong dosage of medication being administered to the wrong body part being operated on. While some medical errors are more serious and egregious than others, all serve to harm patients who have sought medical treatment with the exact opposite goal in mind.

One woman recently filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against a surgeon who performed her knee replacement surgery. According to the lawsuit, upon performing the procedure, the doctor failed to remove a temporary implant which had been placed in the woman's knee region.

As a result of the foreign object being left inside her body, the woman suffered extreme physical pain as well as loss of function and disfigurement. She recently filed a lawsuit against the doctor for damages related to her medical expenses, loss of enjoyment and physical and mental pain and suffering.

Unfortunately, medical errors such as the one described above occur with far more frequency than many would think. Ohio residents who have been adversely impacted by a medical error would be wise to consult with an attorney who has experience handing medical malpractice matters. In many cases, a lawsuit may be an appropriate means of helping an individual recover compensation related to their injuries.


Source: The Louisiana Record, "Doctor sued for malpractice for allegedly leaving foreign object in patients during surgery," Kyles Barnett, July 24, 2013

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