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Avon microwave popcorn maker recalled due to fire hazard

Popcorn is a snack favorite for many throughout the nation including those who live in Western Pennsylvania. While some people purchase the snack pre-popped and bagged in stores, others prefer to make it at home either on the stove or in the microwave. Recently a device used to accomplish the task of popping popcorn was recalled.

The defective product was sold by Avon via both its website as well as from independent sales representatives for approximately $13. Avon sold the popcorn maker for a few months beginning in October 2012. The problem with it is that a fire could break out if the device becomes too hot. Thus far, the problem has been reported 20 times. In a couple of those instances the microwave was damaged when fires broke out.

As a part of the recall, owners of the popcorn maker have been instructed to stop using the product until they are able to obtain new instructions on how it should be used. Those instructions are available either on Avon's website or from a sales representative.

It is fortunate that thus far it does not appear that anyone has been injured while using the product that is apparently dangerous. Due to the way in which owners of the product were instructed to use it, had any injuries occurred, a products liability lawsuit could be appropriate. As is the case in any lawsuit, the sooner one speaks to a lawyer about the matter, the better the odds of a good outcome.

Source: Herald Online, "Avon Recalls Microwave Popcorn Maker Due to Burn and Fire Hazards; New Instructions Provided," U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, May 16, 2013

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