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Texting, fatigue factors in deadly helicopter crash

Texting while driving and the often tragic outcome is a matter that is routinely in the news in Pittsburgh and beyond. Incidents involving motor vehicles are not the only situation in which texting causes a problem however. This is illustrated by the findings recently released regarding a fatal helicopter crash in another state, in August 2011. According to a National Transportation Safety Board investigation, the individual piloting the helicopter was texting during the flight.

The crash, which killed all four occupants, reportedly occurred after the helicopter ran out of fuel. At the time it was almost to an airport where the pilot intended to get more fuel. When the fatal accident occurred, in addition to the pilot, the helicopter was transporting a patient, a paramedic and nurse.

The investigation determined that the pilot was distracted, at least in part due to texting, which caused him to forego checks that would have uncovered the fact that the helicopter was low on fuel. The texting in this case took place both before and during the flight. Within the hour and 41 minutes leading up to the crash, at total of 20 messages were either sent or received by the pilot.

Fatigue also reportedly contributed to the accident occurring. When the crash occurred the pilot was near the end of a 12-hour shift. The investigation determined that the previous night, the man had gotten only five hours of sleep.

As this fatal accident illustrates, distractions and fatigue are problems that extend well beyond car crashes. When a death is caused due to someone's actions such as the ones highlighted in this case, it is possible that a wrongful death claim could be appropriate.

Source: Associated Press, "NTSB: Pilot's Texting Contributed to Copter Crash," Joan Lowy, April 9, 2013

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