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Man who ran red light reportedly intoxicated at time of crash

Drunk driving is of course an issue throughout the nation. Each day, drivers who have consumed too much alcohol make the decision to get behind the wheel of their vehicle and take to the roads. Sometimes their journeys are uneventful and others who happen to be out on the roads at the same time make it to their destinations without any interaction with the vehicles manned by intoxicated drivers. In other instances however, they do not, and a motor vehicle crash is the result.

A drunk driver is apparently to blame for a motor vehicle accident that occurred this past weekend in the North Side. The early morning drunk driving crash reportedly occurred when a 26-year-old man ran a red light, and hit another car that was in the intersection. As a result of the collision, two individuals who were in the vehicle the man struck, were injured and had to seek treatment at a hospital. One suffered injuries to his shoulder and neck while the other sustained a serious head injury.

After the crash the 26-year-old man's blood alcohol content was taken. According to authorities, it registered twice the legal limit for driving. Prior to the accident, the allegedly intoxicated man spent several hours at a casino gambling. It is there that he apparently consumed the alcohol.

It is possible that the individuals injured in this crash will decide to file a personal injury lawsuit to try to recover monetary damages for their injuries. Should they do this, in addition to the drunk driver, it is possible that the casino could be named in the lawsuit as well. This would be due to the fact that it provided the alcohol to the man.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, "Cranberry man accused in drunken driving crash that injures two," Carl Prine, March 10, 2013

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