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Death of Pennsylvania man due to fall at party prompts lawsuit

A party which turned to tragedy recently resulted in legal action. The family of a Pennsylvania man filed a wrongful death claim against the owner of the house in which the party was held, along with the catering company employed to provide refreshments that evening. While at the engagement party, the man fell backward down the basement steps, which were accessible because the door to the basement was open. As a result of falling down the 12 steps the man suffered a head injury. The man's wife witnessed the entire thing.

The head injury reportedly led to the man's death a couple days later at a hospital.

The 73-year-old's wife and children filed the lawsuit alleging negligence. More specifically they claim that the man was pushed toward the open door due to the rapid action of one of the employees of the catering company as that individual reportedly quickly left the kitchen. It is not clear how much the man's family is seeking in the lawsuit.

When a loved one is lost without warning, those left behind can be unsure where to turn. In addition to the emotional toll such an incident can take, in many situations there is an economic impact as well. This is the case when the person who died was responsible for providing for his or her survivors. While there is little that most can do to make the situation better, as is the case here, they may decide to file a civil lawsuit to obtain monetary damages. Though often complicated, a positive outcome makes it worth it for most.

Source: The Inquirer, "Family of former Pa. judge sue attorney and catering firm in his death," Bob Fernandez, March 15, 2013

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