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Woman faces criminal DUI charges in death of Pennsylvania man

Contending with an addiction to alcohol is certainly a difficult thing for those facing the issue. Compassionate residents of the New Castle area would likely wish those dealing with matter success in completing a treatment program, and in putting an end to the self-inflicted harm. Most however, would likely draw the line when it comes to harming others due as a result of their consumption of alcohol. Laws in the state of Pennsylvania reflect this.

Last week, a woman who was allegedly intoxicated when the vehicle she was operating hit an 86-year-old man, was charged with DUI. Because the man she struck ultimately died as a result of his injuries, she was also charged with homicide by vehicle.

The incident prompting the criminal charges occurred one morning in December of last year in Stowe Township. At the time of the alleged drunk driving accident the victim was doing something with his produce truck.

After the accident the woman's blood alcohol content was measured. According to the Assistant District Attorney on the case, her BAC was approximately three times the legal amount. As the woman awaits trial, she has been ordered not to drive. It is possible that she could also face a civil wrongful death lawsuit related to the matter as well.

Most would likely agree that there is no excuse for getting behind the wheel of a vehicle when one is drunk. This is particularly true when one lives in a city like Pittsburgh where taxis and buses are so readily available. Had the woman in this case, who reportedly has had issues with alcohol for some time, done either of those, the man would still be here and she would not be facing criminal charges.

Source: KDKA, "Woman Charged In Deadly DUI Crash Ordered To Stand Trial," Harold Hayes, Feb. 22, 2013

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