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Collapse of deck at apartment construction site injures 2

There are many ways in which workers could be injured while at work. These vary widely depending on the type of job and workplace. In the case of construction sites, falls are some of the most dangerous occurrences. Unfortunately, this recently occurred at a construction site located in a Pittsburgh area community.

Two men were injured in the construction accident which unfolded when a deck upon which they were working came apart. They fell approximately 30 feet when the wooden deck attached to an apartment building collapsed.

As a result of the fall the two men ages 18 and 24, were hurt. Accordingly they were both taken to an area hospital immediately following the incident. While the nature of their injuries is not known, both were expected to be released from the hospital soon.

It is not uncommon for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to commence an investigation into workplace safety after an accident such as this occurs. It did so in this case and determined that there was an issue in the way the deck that fell was constructed. It was attached not with bolts but instead nails. This made it much less stable and at greater risk for a collapse.

It is likely that workers' compensation claims will be filed by the injured workers in this case. They would likely be seeking compensation for any medical bills as well as lost wages that may accumulate as they heal. Because most employers in the state of Pennsylvania must purchase workers' compensation insurance, this will likely be available. In addition, depending on the complete findings of OSHA, the employer could also face fines.

Source: WPXI, "OSHA inspectors investigate Lawrenceville deck collapse," Jan. 29, 2012

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