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Doctor’s failure to monitor results in birth injury lawsuit

Today medical advances have made the birth of a baby a fairly regular medical procedure. Monitoring devices enable doctors and nurses to detect potential abnormalities as they occur and respond accordingly. When doctors fail to monitor these vital signs, however, birth injuries that threaten the lives of both mother and child may result.

A mother recently filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the doctor who delivered her baby as well as the hospital at which she delivered. After a normal pregnancy, the woman went into labor. In the lawsuit, the woman contends that during her labor the doctor failed to both administer a fetal scalp electrode and monitor the fetal heart rate.

As a result of the doctor's negligence, the mother contends her baby girl was born with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Categorized by asphyxia and a lack of oxygen to the brain, the baby was born with severe brain damage.

While the full extent of the baby's condition will not be known until she is older, individuals who suffer such injuries often experience permanent injury and disability. According to the lawsuit, as a result of the injury, the family and baby have incurred severe mental anguish. Likewise they have incurred excessive medical expenses and the young girl will likely need ongoing medical care her entire life.

Unfortunately, nothing can be done to reverse the brain damage the baby suffered. To help cover current and future medical costs, however, the mother of the baby is asking for a judgment in excess of $675,000.

Source: Madison Record, "Doctor, hospital sued over child's brain injury suffered at birth," Kelly Holleran, Nov. 19, 2012

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