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Communication and knowledge key to reducing medical mistakes

In the coming years, the number of individuals over the age of 65 across America and in states like Ohio, is projected to grow considerably. As such, more individuals over the age of 65 will likely undergo medical procedures and surgeries. To reduce the likelihood of medical errors, surgeons and post-operative medical teams must be better informed and equipped.

The American College of Surgeons along with the American Geriatrics Society recently issued a list of recommended guidelines for how health care providers can better protect patients from medical mistakes. Included in the list of guidelines is the importance that health care providers know about and understand any underlying health conditions a patient may have.

Health conditions that may impact a health care team's approach to pre and post-operative care include underlying medical conditions such as heart disease, dementia or other cognitive impairments and current medications being taken. These medical factors can greatly impact a patient's overall health and care needs.

Additionally, health care team members would be wise to ask patients about past injuries and assess potential risk factors such as fall risk. In an effort to prevent potential post-operative accidents or infections, it's also important to know what type, if any, of support system a patient will have after an operation.

In an effort to protect patients from medical mistakes and errors, it's important that hospitals and medical facilities take a team approach to patient care. Patient communication and education are crucial to obtaining vital information that allows health care professionals to provide the best care patient possible and reduce medical errors.

Source: Outpatient Surgery, "ACS Issues Guidelines for Treating Elderly Patients," Daniel Cook, Oct. 2, 2012

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