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Doctor accused of performing unnecessary heart procedures

In recent years, several hospitals and doctors have come under fire for allegations related to unnecessary medical procedures and ensuing medical mistakes. Whether the result of a doctor's mistake or an attempt at financial gain; patients' physical, mental and financial health are all negatively impacted by unnecessary medical procedures.

An Ohio doctor has been named in a lawsuit that alleges the doctor performed unnecessary medical procedures that resulted in undue harm to patients. The doctor, a cardiologist, is accused of performing procedures to insert metal stents in the hearts of several patients.

A mesh support device, stents are used to help open the arteries in a patient's heart to help improve the blood flow throughout the heart. News of the potential negligence at the hands of the doctor came to light after nurses and hospital staff raised concerns about his work and judgment. In response, one of the hospitals at which he previously worked sent letters to 23 patients on whom he had previously performed stent procedures.

The hospital also launched an investigation into the matter, determining that potentially 23 out of 30 heart stent procedures were medically unnecessary. To date, one former patient who underwent a heart stent procedure while under the care of the doctor in question has filed a medical malpractice lawsuit.

In the lawsuit, the man alleges he has suffered severe physical and mental injury as a result of the procedure. Additionally, the hospital at which the man's procedure was performed has admitted that patients who have heart stents are at an increased risk for complications.

Source: The Plain Dealer, "Fairview Hospital joins 2 others investigating Westlake cardiologist's stent procedures," Brie Zeltner, Sep. 7, 2012

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