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Wynonna Judd’s husband, drummer injured in motorcycle accident

Many individuals throughout the state of Pennsylvania enjoy taking to the road on their motorcycles. This is true, despite the well known potential dangers associated with the motor vehicle. The serious injury recently suffered by the husband of Wynonna Judd is a reminder of just how real those dangers are.

Reports indicate that before a scheduled concert, Judd and her husband, who is also the drummer in her band, went out for a ride. On that ride, Judd's husband reportedly collided with another vehicle which caused damage to one of his legs. Fans of Judd will be happy to hear that she was not hurt in the incident.

The injury to the man's leg was serious. As a result of the crash it was reportedly severed and he was taken to a hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota. There, doctors determined the leg needed to be amputated, and it was, just above his knee. There is no word on whether the occupants of the car were injured in the incident as well.

A common reason cited for accidents involving cars and motorcycles is the failure of the auto driver to see the motorcycle on the road. This is obviously due to the size difference between the two types of motor vehicles. Another likely reason for these types of accidents is likely the failure of drivers to pay attention to what is going on around them.

At this time it is not clear whose fault the accident was or if criminal charges will be forthcoming. Depending on who is found to be at fault for the accident, it is possible that a civil personal injury lawsuit could be filed.

Source: CNN, "Wynonna Judd's husband lost leg in bike crash," Alan Duke, Aug. 21, 2012

  • Our firm handles similar situations to the one discussed in this post. If you would like to learn more about our practice, please visit our Pittsburgh motorcycle accidents page.
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