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Pennsylvania man asphyxiated in work accident

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating the recent death of a Pennsylvania worker at an ATI Allvac plant located in another state. The 33-year-old man was reportedly asphyxiated in a work accident while in a part of the plant in which the temperature can be as low as 200 degrees below zero. That temperature in that area can drop to that level due to the fact that super-cooled liquid nitrogen is stored there.

The plant at which the man was working provides products for both the medical and aerospace fields. In addition to producing specialty alloy products, it also provides those made of nickel and titanium.

It is not clear what exactly happened to cause the fatal accident or what the man's job responsibilities were. Several investigations into the matter have been launched. In addition to the OSHA investigation, a safety official from the business's Pittsburgh headquarters and safety officials based at the plant are looking into the accident. Immediately following the incident, the plant was shut down.

A spokesman for the plant indicated that the facility has a good safety record. He pointed out that in this year no workers had sustained any injuries that caused them to not be able to come to work. This is likely of little comfort to his family and the 14-year-old daughter he left behind. For years to come she will have to face major life milestones without his support. Depending on the details of the investigation the man's loved ones may decide to file a wrongful death lawsuit against his employer. This would be appropriate if it is determined that the employer allowed negligent actions to be taken which lead to the man's death.

Source:, "Worker dies in accident at Chester County plant," Don Worthington, June 27, 2012

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