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Child brain injury victims face life-long recovery

Individuals who suffer a brain injury must live and deal with the ensuing complications. In extreme cases traumatic brain injuries can leave an individual unable to walk, talk or perform everyday tasks. Even in less severe cases, however, the impact a brain injury can have on an individual's life can be devastating and far-reaching. This is especially true when a young child suffers a brain injury.

New research recently confirmed what many families of children who have suffered brain injuries already knew; recovery is a lifelong process. Children who suffer a brain injury as a result of a birth injury or accident face a long and difficult road to recovery. Acknowledging this fact is something that family members and those in the medical community must address and confront head on.

Even children who are able to progress through intensive rehabilitation and therapy will likely continue to face challenges. Individuals who suffer brain injuries typically exhibit certain behavioral and emotional side effects that can be disruptive and difficult for both the individual and their family to manage.

Additional problems typically crop up as a child who has suffered a brain injury ages and attends school. Oftentimes these children suffer from low self esteem and self-worth. It's important, therefore, that the child have a strong support system comprised of supportive individuals from their family, school and medical community.

Medical researchers are learning more about how brain injuries impact children every day. Brain injuries are serious and often result in permanent disabilities that require long-term care and rehabilitation. Understanding how brain injuries impact children can help parents and family members provide the support, love and guidance the child needs.

Source: Medical News Today, "Lifetime Recovery Process For Pediatric Brain Injury," Grace Rattue, July 11, 2012

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