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Returning Pennsylvania soldiers may cause more accidents

In Pennsylvania and throughout the country, members of the military are returning from deployments. When they return, there are many ways in which they have to work to assimilated back to their "normal" way of life. For some, getting back to their job, marriage and family is a difficult task and in some places programs are in place to assist with the transition. There are other things that can be difficult for them to get used to as well. One of these is driving on roads back in the United States without causing a car accident.

A recent report issued by an insurance company that specifically sells insurance to members of the military and their families indicates that this is an issue. According to the study, in the six months after returning home from a deployment, members of the armed forces are at fault for 13 percent more motor vehicle accidents, than during the same period of time prior to when they leave for overseas.

Those most likely to be involved in such accidents are individuals who are in the Marines and Army. During those six months after returning, the number of accidents members of the Marines are involved in increases to 12.5 percent. That number is even higher for those in the Army. The rate reported for members of that branch of the services is 23 percent.

USAA's study indicated that one of the reasons for the increase are the driving habits they are forced to adopt in places such as Baghdad and Kabul in order to stay alive.

Because the results of a car accident can be devastating, it is fair to say that most people would support taking steps that would help reduce the number. The USAA reportedly provided each branch of the military results of the study. Perhaps the government will find a way to help returning soldiers better adapt to again driving in the U.S.

Source: Reuters, "Returning soldiers have more car crashes: study," Ben Berkowitz, April 24, 2012

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