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Fatal tree-cutting accident in Somerset

The arrival of spring in Pennsylvania ushers in many chores that are difficult to do in the cold, snow and ice. One thing that is much easier to do when the weather becomes warmer is the removal of trees. Though it is usually easier to do this time of year, there is always a certain amount of risk associated with this practice regardless when it is done and despite safety precautions taken.

Earlier this month a 62-year-old man was killed in a fatal accident that occurred while he was working to remove a tree on Brownlee Road, located in Somerset, Pennsylvania, when the fatal accident occurred. He reportedly died of blunt force trauma which was due to the tree falling on him. More specific information regarding the incident is not currently available.

When a fatal accident such as this is due to another person’s negligence, it is not uncommon for a wrongful death lawsuit to be filed against the responsible party. This type of lawsuit, which may be brought by family members of the person who has died, seeks to secure financial compensation for the untimely death. While not a good substitute for the life lost, many feel it is better that nothing.

Because details on the accident at this point are currently few, it is unclear whether a third party’s negligence contributed to the incident in any way.

Though the case is currently under investigation by both the state police as well as Washington County coroner’s office, at this point the coroner has indicated that the death was the result of an accident.

Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, “Man killed in Washington County tree-cutting accident,” April 7, 2012

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