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Unnecessary treatment leads to profound brain injury

Residents of Ohio often trust their doctors. Ohio residents should feel confident that when they are struck with illness, residents can go to the doctor and most often be cured. However, seemingly minor ailments can amount to catastrophic injury when not handled properly.

One woman went to the doctor after suffering a strange seizure. Doctors diagnosed her as suffering from brain cancer and delivered a powerful treatment of whole-brain radiation. The treatment was so strong that the 66-year-old woman suffered lasting and severe brain injuries rendering her with the mental capacity of a child.

As though this wasn't tragic enough, when a different specialist examined the scans of the woman's brain post-treatment, he made a horrific discovery: the woman had infectious abscesses, not the brain cancer she was treated for. This means that the woman's treatment was completely unnecessary and her resulting brain damage was for nothing.

The woman's family now has to take care of her, as the woman is unable to tend to herself. For weeks the woman's daughter had to feed the woman by spoon, as the woman could no longer perform life's most basic functions. The family is aggressively seeking compensation for the damages in an expensive lawsuit against the hospital and doctors that administered the damaging, unnecessary treatment.

If an individual in Ohio or a member of their family suffered brain injuries as a result of medical malpractice or a physician error, that party would do well to aggressively pursue compensation for the wrongful damages inflicted upon the party.

Source: National Post, "A life undone: Unnecessary cancer treatment led to 'profound' brain damage for Jessie Kay, family says," Tom Blackwell, Mar. 4, 2012

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