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Drunk driving accidents may increase over the New Year holiday

For many people, New Year's Eve brings a sort of excitement as the current year winds down and a new year begins. The beginning of a new year is often spent with friends and family, remembering all that happened in the past and looking forward to the future.

Rarely do people anticipate spending January 1st in a hospital, recovering from injuries. However over the upcoming New Year's weekend, some Pennsylvania residents may find themselves the victims of a drunk driving accident.

According to the director for the Center for Traffic Safety, one county has seen more than 50 DUI-related arrests since Thanksgiving weekend. It is likely that there are many more throughout the state.

Officials are concerned that there will also be a greater number of drunk drivers this weekend as well. To address the concern, there will be an additional DUI patrol in York County, Pennsylvania; it is unclear whether other counties will do the same.

The Center for Traffic Safety offered several suggestions for drivers to reduce the risk of an accident. For example, drivers are encouraged to get enough sleep before getting behind the wheel. This can help prevent drowsy or fatigued driving.

But drivers cannot control the actions of other drivers. If another driver chooses to drink and drive, those who share the road with the drunk driver could get seriously hurt or even killed in a crash. In addition to the physical injury and emotional trauma, victims are also forced to deal with medical expenses and lost wages.

Getting injured because of someone else's negligence is frustrating. If you find yourself the victim in a drunk driving accident, it is often beneficial to speak with someone who can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Source: York Daily Record, "Checks for DUI drivers planned New Year's weekend," Dec. 28, 2011

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