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Pittsburgh area woman faces charges after alleged drunk driving crash

A Pittsburgh-area woman is facing drunk-driving charges after she was involved in a crash that killed her teenage son.

The 40-year-old New Kensington woman was driving her minivan in Franklin Township when it became involved in what authorities are calling a drunk driving crash on Interstate 79 around Edinsboro. Her 14-year-old son was thrown from the vehicle and killed. The woman was allegedly intoxicated at the time of the crash.

In November, the woman will begin trial on charges including homicide by vehicle while driving under the influence.

This is a very sad situation. The 14-year-old boy should have had a long life ahead of him. It is also unfortunate that the woman involved put others at risk when she allegedly drove intoxicated. Her decision to consume too much alcohol and then get behind the wheel was very irresponsible.

Anyone who is hurt in a car accident in which the other driver was driving while intoxicated might want to speak to an attorney. If it was not your fault that the accident occurred, then you should not be responsible for the fees associated with your injury. In fact, you may be able to achieve a monetary award for your pain and suffering, which is above and beyond the funds you might recoup for your medical bills, lost wages and loss of earning capacity.

Naturally, your chances of recovery vary according to the circumstances of each accident. Every accident is different in some small way and lawsuit outcomes are far from guaranteed. Still, a conversation with an attorney can answer some questions you might have and might leave you feeling better prepared to pick up the pieces after your injury.

Source: The Erie Times-News, "Mom charged in fatal crash now faces DUI case," 7 July 2011.

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